Fees and Refunds


Other FeesAUD $
1Application Fee ( Non-refundable )AUD$300.00
2Airport Pick Up FeeAUD$100.00
3Accommodation Charges (Approximation varies upon the length of the accommodation arrangements)AUD$350 per week
4Credit card surcharge3%
5Recognition of prior learning (RPL) per unitAUD$250.00
6Late Payment Fee – per day after the payment due dateAUD$10.00
7Re-assessment Per unitAUD$100.00
8Re-sit Per UnitAUD$200.00
9Re-assessment due to act of plagiarism or any other form of academic misconductAUD$200.00
10Re-issue of Student IDAUD$20.00
11Student Printing Black and White10 cents per page
12Re-issue of Testamurs/ Record of Results/ Statement of AttainmentAUD$100.00
13Re-enrolment fees (applicable for students reported for Non-commencement and students who are
re-enrolling in the same course on compassionate grounds)
14SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery Material Fee (mandatory)
(It Includes: Books, Ingredients required for kitchen classes and PAX Chef’s Uniform for kitchen
practical training
15SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery Material Fee (for standalone course)AUD$670.00
16SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management Material Fee (for standalone course)AUD$600.00
17SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Material fee (for standalone course)AUD$670.00
18Additional Cost: Chef’s Kit
(It includes: Butcher’s steel knife, serrated knife, boning knife, pallet knife, whisk, tongs, pastry
brush, perforated spoon, wooden spoon, paring knife, turning knife ,peeler, two tea towels, reusable
piping bags, round and star nozzles and pastry scraper
19Additional Cost: Chef’s Kit:
Chef’s Shoes


For OSHC Please refer to the links below
NIB: www.nib.com.au
Bupa: www.bupa.com.au
Allianz Insurance: www.allianz.com.au


All fees should be paid in the form of bank draft, electronic funds transfer or telegraphic transfer.

The bank details of the Institute are:
Account Name: Pax Institute of Education Pty Ltd
Account BSB: 063 010
Account Number: 12652304
Swift Number: CTBAAU2S

In the case of telegraphic transfer payment, evidence of the transaction with the Student’s reference number (found on Letter of Offer) should be forwarded to the Institute with the acceptance form as the payment identification.


Click here to refer Refund Policy.


Tuition Fees

  • 50% of tuition fees must be paid one semester in advance on commencement.
  • Continuing students must pay their tuition fees 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the next term.
  • Tuition fees are payable by a bank draft or telegraphic transfer (or other approved payment options) in Australian dollars made payable to Pax Institute of Education Services.
  • Students will be charged the same tuition fees for the duration of the course the student enrolled in initially. A new fee structure, if applicable, will be applied if the student changes their course.
  • The Institute does not accept any liability for any fees paid to an agent, either in Australia or overseas, in relation to an application to the Institute.

Initial Deposit

  • On the Letter of Offer, an initial deposit will be required to be paid prior to a coe being issued, of the first semester fees plus OSHC, the enrolment fee, materials fees and if requested the homestay deposit, airport pickup and accommodation booking fee.

Payment Method

All fees should be paid in the form of bank draft, credit card, electronic funds transfer or telegraphic transfer.

The bank details of the Institute are:

Account Name: Pax Institute of Education Pty Ltd
Account BSB: 063 010
Account Number: 12652304
Swift Number: CTBAAU2S

  • Cheques are to be made payable to Pax Institute of Education.
  • In the case of telegraphic transfer payment, evidence of the transaction with the student’s reference number (found on Letter of Offer) should be forwarded to the Institute with the acceptance form as the payment identification.